Tuesday, 18 June 2024, 18:30 – 21:30 hrs.
SRON is excited to invite you to an evening event dedicated to have fun and learn about the Ariel space mission!
The evening will feature a few short, 5-minute flash talks focusing on various aspects of the Ariel mission, with an emphasis on community engagement. Following the flash talks, there will be a fun and interactive pop-quiz.
Salma Fahmy: Discussing the technical aspects of the Ariel mission
Theresa Lueftinger: Covering the ESA community and complementary science
Billy Edwards: Explaining target selection and some science cases
The event will be presented by Yamila Miguel, who will also provide insights on the countries involved from the perspective of one of the mission co-PI.
SRON, who is hosting the event, is pleased to offer drinks and finger food throughout the evening.
SRON is looking forward to welcoming you to an evening of insightful talks and engaging discussions about the Ariel mission. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with fellow astronomers and learn more about this exciting space mission!
Signing up
Please select the Evening with the Ariel mission in your programme in the conference app to sign up.
Your conference badge is your entry ticket; make sure to wear it to gain access.
About the Ariel space mission: